“In a Perfect World”
CHARLIE: Charlie.
CHARLIE: I guess we won.
The task’s completed.
I guess we’re done
with what we’ve been through.
GIRL CHARLIE: With that ordeal?
Since he’s retreated?
Or is this really
‘bout me and you?
CHARLIE: You know I wish
this were just the start of our
GIRL CHARLIE: oddball tryst,
CHARLIE: of this passing haze.
BOTH: So we’re resigned
to leaving part of
ourselves behind
when we part ways.
CHARLIE: ‘Cause in a perfect world,
we could be together.
GIRL CHARLIE: In a perfect world,
this wouldn’t be our fate.
CHARLIE: In a perfect world,
I’d have met you at the movies,
GIRL CHARLIE: on a cruise,
CHARLIE: on jury duty,
BOTH: on a double date.
BOTH: Yeah, in a perfect world,
none of this would matter.
In a perfect world,
we’d have met before.
GIRL CHARLIE: In a perfect world,
I’d have met you at the prom,
CHARLIE: at a bar,
GIRL CHARLIE: on Match dot com,
BOTH: at the Apple Store.
BOTH: But this world isn’t perfect,
that much is for sure.
GIRL CHARLIE: I guess we planned—
CHARLIE: that I’d be leaving.
GIRL CHARLIE: And once you vanish—
CHARLIE: I can’t come back.
GIRL CHARLIE: So go, get bent,
and don’t go grieving
with false laments
of untraveled tracks.
CHARLIE: I guess you know—
GIRL CHARLIE: How much you’ll miss me?
CHARLIE: I have to go, though.
GIRL CHARLIE: The moment’s passed.
BOTH: So that’s the end.
But how I wish we
could keep pretending
that this could last.
CHARLIE: And in a perfect world,
I might think I love you.
GIRL CHARLIE: In a perfect world,
I might think it too.
CHARLIE: In a perfect world,
I’d have met you at a disco,
GIRL CHARLIE: at the mall,
CHARLIE: in San Francisco,
BOTH: at the Seaworld zoo.
BOTH: Yeah, in a perfect world,
I could stay here with you.
In a perfect world,
we would somehow persevere.
CHARLIE: In a perfect world,
I’d have met you in the classroom,
GIRL CHARLIE: in a seedy nightclub bathroom,
BOTH: anywhere but here.
BOTH: But this world isn’t perfect,
that is crystal clear.
When I met you, I was scared but you just smiled,
and nothing was the same.
You just grabbed my hand and pulled me through the wild,
and my whole world changed.
Through your eyes, I saw a new side of me.
Through your voice, I heard mine speak clear.
In your heart, I felt something lovely.
Distant visions you brought me nearer
to. And now I see myself, a better self in you.
GIRL CHARLIE: And in a perfect world,
we could be together.
CHARLIE: In a perfect world,
this wouldn’t be the end.
BOTH: In a perfect world,
I’d extend this strange endeavor,
wouldn’t have to leave forever,
wouldn’t lose a friend.
BOTH: But in a perfect world,
there wouldn’t be a portal.
He would not exist,
or he never would have strayed.
In a perfect world,
there would be no pass to get through,
so I never would have met you,
wouldn’t be a way.
BOTH: So this world isn’t perfect,
maybe that’s okay.
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